Search for "ESTONIA" returned 5 matches

DRI - Disinformation Resilience in Central and Eastern Europe - Reports

An extensive research aimed at assessing national vulnerabilities and preparedness to adequately react to foreign-led disinformation in Central and Eastern Europe

Council of Europe Recommendation on media pluralism, transparency of media ownership and media literacy - Reports

The Council of Europe has issued guidelines to its 47 member states in order to promote media pluralism, transparency of media ownership and media literacy

Media and Democracy in Central Eastern Europe (MDCEE) - Reports

A four year project investigated the relations between democracy and media in the countries that have joined the EU since 2004

Media freedom and independence in 14 European countries: A comparative perspective - Reports

A comparative analysis across 14 countries and across different types of media services with a view to evaluating and analysing media policy patterns and their contribution to the promotion of media freedom and independence

MEDIADEM 2010 Background Information Report - Reports

A report on media policies and regulatory practices in a selected set of European countries, the EU and the Council of Europe